Lectures at Open House
Earth science lectures will be held throughout the day
Location: Monell Building, Auditorium [Monell lectures will also be live streamed below and on the Open House homepage]
- 11:00 am: The Epidemiological Characteristics of COVID-19: Why it Created a Pandemic (Jeffrey Shaman, Interim Dean, Columbia Climate School; Professor of Environmental Health Sciences and of Climate, Mailman School of Public Health)
- 12:00 pm: Exploring Different Approaches to Climate Justice in STEAM (Panelists: Isatis Cintron Rodriguez, Postdoctoral Research Scientist; Kristina Douglass, Associate Professor of Climate; Marco Tedesco, Lamont Research Professor; Skyller Walkes, Associate Dean, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Antibias)
- 1:00 pm: Communicating Science in a Distracted World (Moderator: Miles O’Brien, award-winning journalist; Panelists: Daniel Babin, Postdoctoral Research Scientist; Elizabeth Case, Graduate Student, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences; Bennett Slibeck, Graduate Student, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences)
- 2:00 pm: Climate Refugees? Media Portrayals Versus the Reality of Climate-Related Migration (Alexander de Sherbinin, Senior Research Scientist, Deputy Director and Adjunct Professor of Climate, Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), Columbia Climate School; Deputy Manager, NASA Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center)
Location: Gary C. Comer Geochemistry Building, Seminar Room, 1st Floor
- 10:30 am: Sinking River Deltas: the Canary in the Coal Mine for Climate Change (Michael Steckler, Lamont Research Professor, Marine & Polar Geophysics)
- 11:30 am: What do we know about past atmospheric CO2 and how do scientists find out? (Bärbel Hönisch, Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Geochemistry)
- 12:30 pm: Time is deep -- how do we know? (Alberto Malinverno, Lamont Research Professor, Marine & Polar Geophysics)
- 1:30 pm: Environmental and Health Consequences of Microplastics: Small Shape, Big Impact (Beizhan Yan, Lamont Associate Research Professor, Geochemistry)
- 2:30 pm: Exploring the Antarctic Ice Sheet Through Satellites (Indrani Das, Lamont Associate Research Professor, Marine & Polar Geophysics)
Location: Geoscience Conference Room, 2nd floor
Earth2Class mini-workshops for teachers and students:
- 10:00 AM: Earth2Class: Bringing research to your classroom (Michael Passow, Adjunct Associate Research Scientist, Marine/Large Programs)
- 1:00 PM: Girls on Ice: Opportunities for high school students to experience real science in the field (Journey Berry)
- 3:00 PM: Columbia Climate Hub: Rio de Janeiro (Michael Passow, Adjunct Associate Research Scientist, Marine/Large Programs)